Welcome to the home of Feed Zimbabwe.
Thank you, for being here.

2020 has been a year full of emotions. Whilst some of us are struggling to stay at home and miss out on social life, others got a very much needed break, and again others have lost beloved family members. Due to disease or due to starvation. Corona has impacted all of our lives.

Far more people than we are aware of survive on an absolute minimum amount of money. For them, not being able to go to work, means not being able to feed their children.

We at feed Zimbabwe are living in Zimbabwe. Seeing people struggling for survival on a daily basis right outside our door was unbearable. Together with our friends we have been incredibly privileged to open up a few spots to provide free food out of our own pockets to children and vulnerable people in need.

The queues are growing, in many areas children are going from door to door asking for food, and there is only so much we can do on our own.

With YOUR help we can make a BIG difference.

we can’t help everybody, but everyone can help someone.

Join our mission, donate and become a part of the Feed Zimbabwe Team.

Thank you, for caring, thank you for taking time to read this.

If you are financially unable to assist, but you still want to help, share our mission. Raising awareness is a huge step into the right direction.

With all our love ❤️  your Feed Zimbabwe Team